Thousands of tissues coated in teen & tween tears have been shed over the announcement that Zayn Malik will be leaving One Direction.
Anti-bullying initiative shows that while Twitter can be a wonderful and supportive place, it's not for these kids.
last week, Vogue announced that Paltrow had indeed partnered with Juice Beauty, to create Goop by Juice Beauty. | Skincare | YummyMummyClub.c
Last week, Vogue announced that Paltrow had indeed partnered with Juice Beauty, to create Goop by Juice Beauty.
The 63-year-old actress shares her beauty secrets (hint: there's a reason why her skin glows) and why artistic expression is important.
by: Zeba Khan
On why the rockstar won't leave his vast fortune to his kids. What do you think? Is Sting's declaration over dramatic, or right on the money?
Kat Armstrong is having a hard time wrapping her head around the fact that Tori, who recently lamented she was bankrupt, spent this much on a birthday party.
Have you ever lost a close family member? How did you explain it to your kids who were too young to understand?
Could you feed your family of four for $29/week? Gwyneth Paltrow takes the challenge.