Caroline Fernandez: Activity Mummy


How To Use Twitter

Connect and Engage During Nap Time

Twitter is a great tool for parents. It's a virtual playground to connect and engage at any time day or night. It's awesome for socialization, support, information, and communication be it in your personal, professional or passion-aspect of your life. I have been know to tweet during nap time, field trips, the dreaded 3 am feeding...tweeting got me through the baby blues

If you are new to Twitter you might find it a bit chaotic.  Here are a few tips on How To Use Twitter...

 Start by following people who interest you. For example, all the YMC bloggers are on twitter and you can find a Yummy Mummy Club Twitter List here. Yes, Erica and Sharon do all of their own tweeting.

 Engage; don't sell. I don't want to see any "Hey @ParentClub you should visit my site http://..."  Twitter is like dating—you need to have a great couple of dates before trying to get to any bases. Start with an introduction if you are a new follower "@ParentClub just started following you, looking forward to tweeting with you".  Then go on to engage through tweets. "Hi Twitter, what are your plans for today?" You wouldn't randomly pass out your business card at a playground, so don't do it on twitter. 

 Jump into converstions (nicely) if you have something relevant to interject. I always appreciate a *forgive my butting in* mention when someone inserts themself into a twitter conversation (it's good form). But by all means jump in, join the conversation, share your experience.  Just don't railroad the conversation to your agenda.

 Menage a trois isn't always sexy. Remember how twitter is like dating? Well if you are tweeting with me and then try to pull @yummymummyclub into it without dating her (er...I mean tweeting get what I mean right?!) well, it's awkward. For example, if you and I are tweeting about activities and then—out of the blue—you pull @TheEllenShow into a tweet about playdough...Ellen is going to be in California wondering what does playdough have to do with her?! Does this make sense? Don't pull other people into your tweets. Let them jump in. Unless of course you are recommending someone "I think @PenguinBooks should really publish a kids' book by @ParentClub it would be a best seller!"


Hashtags are a great way to follow people who are interested in your interested. Here are some of my favourites:

#DadChat (Thursdays 6-7PST) Dads supporting each other (Moms welcome too)

#zombiemoms is 4 ANY parent whose child is ANY age, who loses sleep 4 ANY reason! 

#PPDChat (Mondays 1pm & 8:30pm EST) Post Partum Depression Chat

There are hashtags for #Food #kidlit #crafts and more. 

Seriouly, Twitter has been my day-changer many a time. From just needing to rant about the waiting time at a doctor's office with a sick kid to networking for career stuff to finding new friends at 3am (when you feel like you and your baby are the only ones in the world awake)...Twitter is an awesome tool for parents.

Don't sell. Don't judge. Don't belittle. Just start with one person. And engage. Like you would on any playground.