Green Getaway

Eco-Friendly Tips For Your Next Family Vacation

After a successful trip to Maui last month with my 4 year old twins, I’ve got the travel bug. I started to wonder if there were ‘other’ options for travel that would leave less of an impact on the environment for our next trip.

Travel with kids can be challenging enough, when I went looking for eco-friendly travel tips I had to make sure they were family-friendly too. 

Here are some ideas for Eco-Friendly Family Travel:

When considering how to get to your destination keep in mind that Air Travel leaves the biggest impact on the environment compared to that same trip by train, bus or car. If your destination requires a long haul flight, try to choose a flight that is direct. Take off and landing uses a considerable amount of fuel.  And hey, your baby will have a chance to catch some zzzzz’s on that direct flight. 

Another option for travelers is purchasing Carbon Offset Credits. This system has been set up so that travelers can purchase emission reduction credits from a company that will then use that money to support renewable energy products (ex: wind power).  It won’t lessen the impact of the flight you just took, but it is one method to try and reduce your environmental footprint.

Choosing your accommodation can be done with an eco-friendly state of mind too. We’ve all seen hotels that ask guests to reuse towels but have you ever stayed at a hotel that uses compact fluorescent bulbs, has a recycling program, or uses non-toxic or biodegradable cleaning products? They are out there; ask your hotel if they are an Eco-Friendly Accommodation.

Your stroller seems pretty environmentally friendly, it is mom-powered.  Well, you may need another mode of transportation when you arrive at your destination. Why not rent a Hybrid car? There are environmentally friendly car rental agencies that specialize in providing hybrid vehicles for rent and some that offer some vehicles that run on alternate types of fuel.

Eco-friendly, baby friendly, family friendly- you can have it all on your next family vacation.


Stacey Corbett is a mother of 4 year old twins and an avid traveler. Her travels led her to create One Tiny Suitcase, Calgary’s premier Baby Equipment Rental Company.