Guidelines To Hang Mirrors In Your Home

Create Light and Space With The Proper Placement


Mirrors are a fabulous addition to a home. But how do you decide where to hang them?

A common place is over the mantle of your fireplace. This, frankly, is not my favourite choice. Here’s why. The fireplace in your room is usually your primary focal point. You want something stunning and powerful there to enhance the fireplace and reinforce that primary focal point. When people are seated in the room, the mirror tends to reflect a blank ceiling – not so gorgeous.

If you do hang a mirror over your mantle, put a vase with a huge bouquet of flowers or fresh-cut greenery in front of the mirror. The reflection becomes your art.

Here are some guidelines for when to hang a mirror:

Functionally: To view yourself in your bedroom or foyer.

To reflect something beautiful: A gorgeous view, a beautiful painting or a stunning piece of furniture. Across from a view can also reflect light from the window.

To reflect light: Lighten up a dark corner by placing lights or candles near the mirror.

To create a sense of spaciousness: Be careful though. Make sure the mirror still reflects something beautiful.

When you hang a mirror above furniture, it should be 2/3 the width of the furniture and never wider.

Normally you match the frame of the mirror to the tone of the room. However, it’s fun to mix it up. A gorgeous antique mirror in a contemporary setting can be just the right touch. But make sure there is some commonality with the rest of the room. For example an ornate silver frame can work well with modern chrome lamps because of the commonality in color.

Playing with mirrors is fun. Just follow these guidelines and enjoy!


Val Sharp is the founder and past president of the Canadian Redesigners Association and the author of “The Art of Redesign – 5 Simple Steps to No-Cost Redecorating”. She instructs people in starting their own interior redesign and home staging business. If you want to become a redesigner or home stager or you want more information about Val and her book, stop by