
Making Mayonnaise at Home

It's easier than you think!

First off, you should know that I LOVE mayonnaise. I was raised on toasted tomato and egg salad sandwiches, with extra mayo. There was nothing worse than boiling up a couple eggs, or having a beautiful Ontario-grown field tomato and finding an empty jar of mayo at the back of the fridge.

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Rolling in Ford's 5.0

A few words on the amazing 2012 Ford Mustang GT

Thinking back, I've had a long history with Ford Mustangs...

Way back, my uncle drove me by my school once in his Mustang. He peeled rubber in front of the school, leaving long black streaks on the pavement which made me smile every day for at least a week after.

I first drove manual in my aunt's red on white GT convertible on a perfect summer day in the hills of Vancouver.  I can still remember the clutch being so hard to press my leg started to cramp and shake while waiting for a light to change green.

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Don't Forget the Smoothie

Smoothies make mornings, uh, smoother.

Have you every tried to feed your kids plain yogurt, half a banana and just a little juice for breakfast? Smoothies make that task so easy.

Don't forget about the smoothie—the easiest way to get good food into your kid in the morning FAST.

Quick and Simple Smoothies

What you'll need:

Immersion blender, 2 cup measuring cup, 1 kid (anxious to help)


1/2 a banana

1/2 a cup of plain yogurt

1/4 cup of juice


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Eat The Sun

Sometimes a small change is all it takes

My son Mason has food allergies. Just four: eggs, dairy, nuts and fish. Fish is the scariest. The night we found out he was allergic to fish turned into an ambulance ride to the emergency room. Nuts we avoid entirely, but soy butter makes that pretty easy to do. His allergy to dairy is slowly receding; yogurt doesn't contain the same protein that he's allergic to in cow milk and cheese doesn't seem to contain enough to cause any form of reaction any more. Thank goodness for that, because goat's milk mozzarella is about four times more expensive than regular mozzarella.

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