Mummy Buzz


VTech Toys Made in Chinese Sweatshops

Working in a Pigsty

A recent report from the Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights (IGLHR) cast a chilling picture of conditions inside a VTech electronics factory in Guangdong, China. The manufacturer -- which makes toys, phones, as well as other inexpensive electronics—has been violating a long list of labor and human rights codes, including 12-15-hour working days, excessive overtime and substandard wages (about 6.5 percent of what factory workers earn in the US).

"Sometimes I want to die. I work like hell every day for such a dull life," said one worker. 

Other workers also reported suicidal feelings from working in an environment in which security guards allegedly beat the staff. The conditions were also appalling: eight workers sleeping on plywood bunks in summer temperatures exceeding 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

"VTech is a nasty and cruel sweatshop, which has been exploiting workers for years," said Charles Kernaghan, director of IGLHR. "It is sad that powerful corporations like AT&T, Motorola and Wal-Mart have not lifted a finger to demand that even China's weak labor laws be respected."

Since the report came out, Telstra claimed it would not longer selling VTech's products, while the company itself "categorically rejects these allegations and is now considering taking appropriate legal action."

Perhaps if we persuade enough companies to boycott VTech products, the factory will close or at least offer humane conditions to its staff. A petition letter is a good place to start.