Mummy Buzz


Boy Braves Snowstorm to Save Schoolmates

It was Definitely Nerve-Wracking

When a school bus got stuck in a rural Manitoba community, and power lines were down, it took a 13-year-old boy to brave the snowstorm to go find help. 

According to an article in the Huffington Post, Alexi Catellier calmed some of the younger children aboard—including his 5-year-old brother—while the driver tried to free the bus, which was lodged in the snow for a total of almost six hours.

"It was definitely nerve-wracking," said Catellier. "You have to keep the kids calm, because otherwise the bus driver won't be able to do his job."

But by nightfall, when the passengers ran out of food and water, Catellier set out on foot to find help in just "running shoes, track pants, a thin sweater and a little fall jacket." 

Fortunately he came across a home and notified CN Rail workers of the emergency. He even carried some young children to the home to use facilities and warm up. The bus was eventually recovered soon after.

Needless to say, Catellier's parents are proud of their son's actions, but perturbed by the school board's dearth of emergency procedures.