
How Vehicle Manufacturers are Helping to Keep You Safe

Your car is a second set of eyes on the road

Rear Cross Traffic Alert

Car accidents happen – FAST! Before you realize what’s happening, it’s over. It’s easy to look back and think of how you should’ve maneuvered differently, or been paying more attention, etc. The fact is, they happen to the best of us, and sometimes we’re just not able to react quick enough to prevent or lessen the impact but car manufacturers are constantly researching to improve vehicle’s capabilities for collisions.

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Crash Test Dummies

When accidents happen, they’re over before we know it and the results can be frightening just to read, never mind experience. Vehicle safety features are improving every year and manufacturers pride themselves on their safety advances. In fact, they spend millions (dare we say.. billions!) of dollars on research! In every collision, there are 3 stages to it: before, during, and after.

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Car Pop Quiz From A 6-Year-Old: Could You Answer?

Hosting Treehouse TV's Isaiah At AutoNiche

This Is Isaiah AutoNiche

From the time my boys were young, they were fascinated with anything that moved. Cars, planes, trains, etc. So when we got the call that Isaiah (host of Treehouse TV's This Is Scarlet & Isaiah) wanted to come to our shop and talk cars, we were really looking forward to having some fun!

Here's a sneak peek—check it out:

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The 2014 GMC Sierra: Re-engineered

Off to the Wild West for this road test!

2014 GMC Sierra
My 7-year-old son and I recently had the opportunity to go to Calgary, Alberta to road test the 2014 GMC Sierra pickup truck.

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Cars For Kids 101

GM Has A Fun Way To Learn About Cars

I stumbled across GM Education, a website by General Motors that educates kids (and grown-ups) about different aspects of cars. It’s pretty cool and is easily laid out. Why not teach your kids a few things about cars over the holiday break? Here are some of my favourite things from the site:

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Generation Y Prefers iPhone Over Car

You might be your kid's chauffeur for a while

I recently spoke with two of my clients whose teenagers didn't seem interested in getting their driver's licenses. Really? When I was 15, I couldn't wait to get my driver's license. I wrote my driver's test the day I turned 16. For these two separate clients, the concern was that their teenagers were limited in getting jobs. Both of these clients had driven their teens to job interviews because the commute by transit was incredibly long. 

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