
This Is Why Pinterest And Christmas Are Best Friends

As perfect together as cocoa and candy canes

The thing about best friends is that sometimes you can’t imagine life without your best friend, and other times you wish they’d never shown up. Best friends build you up, bring you down, make you feel awesome and give you a shot of reality.

That’s kind of why Pinterest and Christmas go so well together.

Every day my social media feeds are filled with photos and videos of Christmas perfection. Food, decorating and crafts that would make Martha proud.

And then there are people like me, with photos of something entirely different.

Case in point:

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WestJet Wins The Internet With This Viral Video

Want to feel good and cry at the same time? Watch this!

I watched a video this morning that made me smile and simultaneously cry. I hate it when that happens, but at the same time, I want to share what made me feel that way with the world so we can all do the ugly cry together.

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