
Trade In That Halloween Candy

Controlling The Sugar In-Take

You've tricked. You've treated. Now, what to do with all that Halloween Candy?! We have a long tradition of trading in Halloween candy which helps control how much candy the kids eat over the next few weeks. Halloween night, after I have checked through the loot (for razors, opened packages, "God Loves You" pamphlets*) we let the kids eat two of whatever they like. The next day...we start the trading.

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These milk jug ghosts are an easy craft for kids and a great Halloween decoration. A flameless alternative to a jack-o-lantern, this easy DIY Halloween activity re-purposes a regular old milk jug into a ghoolishly good ghost.

This crazy craft only requires four things...

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Halloween Costume Ideas

What are you going to be for Halloween?

The countdown is on and the conversations have started...What are you going to be for Halloween?! As a busy Mom of three, I am big on suggesting EASY and INEXPENSIVE Halloween costume ideas (because you know they never wear the same costume two years in a row!). Here is a little photo galley to inspire you on Halloween Costume Ideas...

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Halloween is come and gone.  Now what to do with all that candy?  Do you let the kids indulge?  Do you ration it?  Send it to the office?  Or sneak it after the kids go to bed?  Let's investigate the treat-a-pa-looza that is invading our households...

[Can I tell you how surprised I am - yet again - of how many peanut-y treats were in my kids loot bags this year?!  I feel for all the families challenged with nut allergies on Halloween.  I am very "give out peanut free" oriented however the 6 Reese's cups in the loot bags prove many others are not.  I digress...]

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