Caroline Fernandez: Activity Mummy


Easy Last Minute Christmas Shopping Ideas

Stocking stuffers and unexpected visitors

We all thinks we are DONE holiday gift shopping.  Then we do our stocking stuffer inventory or say yes to a Christmas Day drop-in and realize we are a present or two short.  Here are some easy kid gift ideas to keep the kids busy (and out of your hair).

  • Crayons and Paper - Easy stocking stuffers or gift for the neighbour-child down the street who drops-in to play on Christmas Eve day.
  • Gift cards - From a Timmies card (to buy their own donuts) to itunes (for the itween you have no idea what to buy).  A stash of gift cards can save mummy's sanity.
  • DVDs - Muppets, Jack Frost, Mr. Popper`s Penguins (a fav. around my house this year) - dvds are a gift and activity in one.
  • Books - From a great baby book (Good Night Moon) to tween fluff (Breaking Dawn) - books are easy to get (and wrap).
  • Magazines - Great stocking stuffers and reading activity in one. 
  • Gloves - Everyone needs them,  everyone wears them. 

  TIP:  Wrap an extra kid present (like gloves) and put it un-tagged under the tree.  That way when a surprise kid visitor pops by you can - so Martha-like - produce a gift just for them.