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Sarah blogs about city life as a mom of 3 kids and a dog. She is a news junkie, a jean-a-holic, her weakness is celebrity news and music makes her very happy.

She is the founder of Shine On Mom and can be found typing in the darkness of a quiet house late at night; this makes morning-Sarah very grumpy, but coffee to the rescue!

Join her as she shares her experiences, things she loves and solutions that worked for her, in a supportive way. She believes that while we may not all parent the same way, we are all parenting from the same place and doing our best for our kids every day.

As moms we all need each other so we can lift each other up and Shine On! Go team mom!

Follow Sarah on Twitter: @GoShineOnMom


About my kids: 
My kids are awesome; they drive me bonkers and make me laugh so hard I cry. They are 6, 5 and 2 and love each other dearly.
Parenting is...: 
Parenting is doing the very best you can to raise kind, compassionate people that will leave a positive mark in this world. The responsibility of it all can be overwhelming some days and other days seem to just flow. I try to keep 'This too shall pass' top of mind to stay balanced. But most days I forget and just do my best not to screw them up.
We know you don't have a lot, but when you do, what do you like to do in your spare time?: 
My spare time is spent with my people. My husband and I spend time hanging out, making each other laugh and at my daughter's suggestion will be going out for dinner more often as she loves her babysitters. I also get together often with my girlfriends. They are the reason I'm in the deep end with my head still above water. They make me laugh until I cry and if I cry they'll make me laugh. Kind of like my kids really. I am finally living in the same city as my family, which is a huge deal with kids. So I try to see them as much as possible and they have saved me on more than one occasion.
When are you at your yummiest?: 
When I have just showered and blow dried my hair I feel like I can conquer the world. You would think that would make me get up earlier so I could accomplish this feeling every day. It does not seem to have that effect.
If someone wrote a biography about you, what would be the title?: 
She Killed them with Kindness: The World is Small, Be Kind
What's currently in your purse?: 
an epi pen and aerius kids; a diaper (no wipes, why do I do this?); my wallet; a thank you card that I keep forgetting to give to a kid in my daughter's class from her birthday party 4 months ago; lip gloss; sunglasses;
What superhero power would you like to have?: 
When I was a kid I always thought I had supernatural abilities of holding my breath underwater. I would like to have that back.
If we gave you an elephant, where would you hide it?: 
After seeing 'Born to Be Wild' at the Science Center last year I would feel a huge burden until I was able to get the elephant back with its herd. Please don't put that kind of responsibility on me right now, it might break me.
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