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 I have always loved food and cooking, even before cooking shows were everywhere.  I used to make my parents watch my very own “cooking show” live from the kitchen table as I would demonstrate how to make grapefruit juice!  That was when I was 6 years old.  After graduating from McGill University with a degree in Art History I completed a degree in Food and Nutrition at Ryerson University.  While at Ryerson a friend and I started a catering business specializing in one bite foods.  We took our customers’ favourite foods and made them mini, the perfect food for cocktail parties.  My favourite challenge was making mini beef wellingtons.  After realizing running a catering company was not compatible with having young children I decided to change gears and teach cooking classes to children and adults.  While I still teach cooking classes I also currently work as a product and recipe developer.  Last year I worked exclusively with cheese (not a joke) and this year I am working with vegetables.  Get ready…I have some great new products coming out and wouldn’t you know it….they are even healthy.  I have to say that working with vegetables instead of cheese has been a healthy switch.  I am always reading cookbooks (new and old), food magazines and food blogs which is where the name for my blog came from…I am always “dreaming up delicious” things.  I am looking forward to sharing all my favourite recipes and food finds with you and cannot wait to get started.  But first, I must go make myself a snack, I’m hungry!

About my kids: 
I have two children and one on the way! Benjamin is 5 and Sam is 3. Benjamin and Sam are so much fun to play with, when they are listening to me and not fighting!
Parenting is...: 
A lot of work but so rewarding. The best thing that has ever happened to me.
We know you don't have a lot, but when you do, what do you like to do in your spare time?: 
In my "spare" time I love to play tennis and run. I also love trying new restaurants. Lately, lying in bed watching tv with my husband has been my most favourite thing to do.
When are you at your yummiest?: 
When I am surrounded by my family, enjoying a delicious meal that I have made and no one is complaining about it.
If someone wrote a biography about you, what would be the title?: 
she hearts food
What's currently in your purse?: 
I always carry lego mini figures to keep my kids busy when we are waiting somewhere, gum because both my kids also love to chew gum, chapstick, my filofax because I still cannot use my iphone calendar, almonds for when I get hungry, and lots of pens because I always seem to be losing them.
What superhero power would you like to have?: 
Never get tired!
If we gave you an elephant, where would you hide it?: 
My backyard?
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