Dr. Sarah Warren
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Dr. Sarah Warren (aka Dr. Sarah) is a clinical and consulting psychologist who offers “cause” and career coaching.  She uses her expertise in behavior change to serve as an ambassador for green. Drawing on her work in the addictions field - that includes our addiction to oil - her mission is to educate and inspire individuals and organizations to use their spheres of influence to protect the planet for our children. 

As the mother of two young boys, Dr. Sarah knows that mothers' love can make history. Just as mothers' determination to protect their children spurred MADD's successful campaign against drunk driving, parents can create a tipping point to prevent environmental disaster. 

If you'd like to learn more about her story of personal transformation, what she's done to “go green and get happy,” and  how you can make a difference by protecting the planet for your children, download chapters of Fierce Love: How One Mother Reinvented Herself by Saving the Planet. She would love your comments!

Join her May virtual roundtable and podcast features CoolMom.org co-founder Kirsten McCaa on May 5th.  Get the time & call-in number and pose your question.

Visit Dr. Sarah's website or connect with her on Twitter or Facebook.