Real name: 

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Author Profile: 

Alyssa is a mom of two from Ottawa, Ontario. Inspired by her love of writing, the online digital world and life being a woman (and mom) today, Alyssa began sharing her own Motherhood journey on her blog "A Motherhood Experience" over three years ago. Since the launch of her digital career, Alyssa has been working through social media to help spread the word on great products, services and spread awareness on special causes and family-friendly events adding her own digital mom touch. You can visit her blog which is updated frequently  at and follow her daily go-abouts on twitter @AMotherhoodBlog!

About my kids: 
I have a 7 1/2 year old daughter and a four year old son. I am also currently pregnant with our third child. My kids are my world, I honestly couldn't ask for better kids. They constantly amaze me.
Parenting is...: 
Tough but enjoyable. There are moments I wonder if I am doing anything right and then there are those moments where I know I am. I take every day as a blessing, a chance to do it again and do it better than yesterday.
We know you don't have a lot, but when you do, what do you like to do in your spare time?: 
When I'm not doing the "mom thing" or the "blogger thing" and get a little bit of "me time" I enjoy just relaxing in a quiet atmosphere. This could include simply reading a book, listening to good music, playing on my netbook/tablet or just enjoying the quiet. For other entertainment I always have Twitter ;-)
When are you at your yummiest?: 
I would say most likely early in the morning after my first shower and coffee of course or maybe in the evening right after the kids go to sleep and I know I can hang up the mom hat for the day.
If someone wrote a biography about you, what would be the title?: 
The Story Of Her Life
What's currently in your purse?: 
My wallet, envelope of coupons (some may or may not be expired), lip gloss, house keys, kleenex (pretty sure it's clean), micro cars, receipts from various stores, expired bus transfers, iphone earbuds, usb key and some crumbs.
What superhero power would you like to have?: 
Endless energy
If we gave you an elephant, where would you hide it?: 
Well, I know you would give me a pocket sized mini elephant which would fit snuggly in my purse ;-)
Twitter Handle: 