Make a date to check out some of these never-before-seen on the big screen or second run classics in various Cineplex theatres across Canada.
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Turn off Treehouse and chuck your Wiggles CD, here's some kid-friendly music and television you can really get into.
Help YMC Celebritease mom make a decision on what movie to watch on her next date night.
What kind of parents don't want to have the opportunity to tell their kid about the fact that gay is OK and TOTALLY normal?
Five movies you'll want to see this fall plus the inside scoop on how you can make your movie night less expensive.
Is it worth it to pay a babysitter so you and your partner can go on a date to watch Prometheus? Find out now.
Don't have the time or money for a night out? Check out these five flicks that will set the mood for a romantic night of snuggling on the couch.