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Main profile

Author Profile: 
espresso drinker. proud mom. happy wife.
About my kids: 
They love hanging with our dog, Mabry, eating cupcakes and stand-up paddleboarding.
Parenting is...: 
a time to drink lots of coffee, eat lots of chocolate and if all goes well, train one of your kids to unload the dishwasher...
We know you don't have a lot, but when you do, what do you like to do in your spare time?: 
Karate & Volleyball
When are you at your yummiest?: 
right after my morning coffee.
What's currently in your purse?: 
wallet, lip gloss, favourite pen, epi-pen, phone
What superhero power would you like to have?: 
molecular immobilization
If we gave you an elephant, where would you hide it?: 
I wouldn't hide it, it would come everywhere with me
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