Ann-Marie Burton is a crafty and creative mother of three young children and the founding mama and leader behind
When not running the business part of their business, the momstown team of mom entrepreneurs is busy collecting empty toilet paper rolls, googly eyes and scrap paper to be used for future preschool masterpieces at a momstown event or singing songs on a parachute with fellow neighbourhood moms. And, we drink a lot of coffee.
We share simple ideas, feature great events and activities that you can do at home with your own crew. And we might even inspire you to start saving those egg cartons and popsicle sticks for homemade creations!
Ann-Marie is also the 2011 Winner of the SavvyMom Media Mom Entrepreneur of the Year Award who’s inspired by her team of work-from-home-mamas who help other moms get outta the house and into the community to connect with like-minded mamas. Who knew a career could be created out of crayons, coffee and community?
Follow Ann-Marie on Twitter @momstownca or email her at [email protected].