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Katharine, by her own account, is extremely lazy stylish. When she was 12, she wrote and illustrated a book* about a three-toed sloth named Gerber, who lived with a herd of old goats. It’s currently on her son’s bookshelf, and is the only book he hates reading. She now writes and blogs for a living, so hopefully her writing has improved since then. In 2014 she had her son, a sweet, funny little guy named Linden. She left the world of online magazine editing to stay home with him, cook him food he throws on the floor, and now writes during his naps. She is addicted to olives, chocolate and kissing her son’s cheeks.
She blogs at WhereWeBloom, and you can find her on Instagram at @kh_reid or Twitter: Twitter: @wherewebloom
*Not a real book.
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