brooke on a diet
After losing 170 pounds, this inspiring woman was left thinking she wasn't good enough for SHAPE magazine.
dad and daughter
I rarely told my little girl she was beautiful. Instead we showered her with love and focused on traits like this instead.
mean girl
Parents: What do you do to help your daughter grow up with self-confidence and realize that the words of "mean girls" shouldn't be taken personally?
girl guide badge
What do you think of the new Girl Guides "Free Being Me" body confidence badge that is being used to promote a healthy body image?
I'm going to change the conversation at my house and start focusing on more than appearance. Will you join me?
teenagers and plastic surgery
Adults modify their bodies through tattoos, surgical procedures, and piercings all the time because they've earned that privilege. Teens? Not so much.
jessica tudos
Former Olympic gymnast and mom, Jessica Tudos, shares life lessons and empowers girls with her new book 'Kika the Upside Down Girl."
the lizzie project
The true meaning of beauty shines through in this video of Lizze Velasquez. We should all strive to be more like her.