child in car
A split-second decision or a moment of forgetfulness can have grave consequences. Watch this video and remember to be vigilant this summer.
car video
This ad would have scared the crap out of us but it works. Watch it and share with everyone you know because texting and driving is killing people.
Top urology advice from around the world
Top Urology Advice From Specialists Around the World
children copy their parents
This commercial from Australia's National Child Protection Clearing House really drives home a message that will stick with you. Take a moment to watch.
babysitting course
This PSA may have you laughing at all the things that can go wrong when a teen babysits, but looking after a child is no laughing matter.
Take four minutes from your day to have your child watch this video that will educate her on sexual abuse.
Your must-watch for today: This is what it's like when you leave a child inside a hot vehicle.