Say goodbye to taxes on tampons and other feminine hygiene products.
Has Facebook gone too far with their selection of "Feeling..." emojis?
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What do you think of the newest Lego figure?
Sign the petition to ask the federal government to protect anaphylactic passengers
Learn how you can support the initiative to improve transportation safeguards relating to airline and public transportation policies and reduce risks.
by: Alex Thom
sleepwalking man
What do you think? Is this statue a work of art or a source of apprehension and fear for students attending the Wellesley College in Massachusetts?
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Fit bodies are not one-size-fits-all, and we need to start spending less time judging our bodies and more time taking care of them.
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TV host, Melissa Bachman, is in hot water after killing a lion in South Africa and bragging about it on Twitter and Facebook.
Doctors taking selfies with patients
This doctor caused an uproar when he took a selfie while attending a labouring mom.