Dairy milk nutrition news | YummyMummyClub.ca
Milk. It may do a body good, but what kind should you opt for?
Is weight loss for children a good idea? | YummyMummyClub.ca
This government sent families controversial "fat letters" to parents of primary schoolchildren with higher body mass index (BMI) results.
Even celebrities struggle with post baby body sometimes.
fat shaming on youtube
Watch this video and tell us: Is this a "bomb of truth" or internet bullying at its worst?
Women of all sizes are posting bikini photos on Twitter and Instagram. But instead of focusing on size, should we simply be focusing on being fit?
jogging track
"To the fatty running on the track..." This viral Facebook message starts off sounding like a self-righteous rant but then takes an unexpected turn.
heavy women are happier
Feeling fat? A new study shows that you're most likely feeling more content as well. What do you think? Do you feel happier when you're heavier?
Girl Refuses to Do Her Homework | YummyMummyClub.ca
An Indiana student refused to do her homework, and she wasn't afraid to say so in a spectacular and wonderful fashion.