No one tells you what it will truly be like when you have a baby, so I will.
A Message From the Former Miss Playtex
I'm passing the torch to new moms with these words of wisdom: Enjoy your babies while they're still small enough not to wander off and find electrical outlets.
postpartum, hormones, baby blues, baby, blues, crying, tears, newborn, first two weeks, rage,
The tears have subsided and I am now into stage two of postpartum hormones, or what I like to call RAGE AT YOUR HUSBAND FOR NO REASON, PHASE.
I'm now on week 62 of sleep deprivation. I'm so desperate that if you told me dressing my son only in red would help him sleep, I would do it.
motherhood lonliness
Many of the feelings I had in a country where few people spoke my language are hauntingly familiar to the way I sometimes feel as a new mother.
Dear Breasts: After 13 months of breastfeeding, I look down and wonder, "Where did you go?" You didn't even leave me a note to say good-bye.
Does your *insert name of body part here* hang low, does it wobble to and fro? Welcome to your post-pregnancy body.
Choosing a New Bottle System for My Baby
A mom and her three-month-old baby review the Playtex Nipple Variety Pack. Find out if it's a hit or a miss.
by: Lara Katz