Veternarians say most cases of accidental exposure from drugs prescribed for dogs.
I said I would never medicate my child for his behaviour. But I learned one should never say never. | ASD| Autism | ADHD | Parenting |
What kind of mom does this? The kind of mom who wonders how exactly she got to this this airless room, this hard chair, this bruised heart.
Throughout my third pregnancy, I experienced debilitating moments of anxiety and sadness, and found myself unable to cope.
pregnant with food
While a mom's heart may feel it has grown to accommodate the love she has for her new child, her brain is doing the exact opposite.
In spite of a spate of suicides many people believe are linked to the medication, Health Canada has failed to react to the charges.
Three essential to always pack.
No two people feel pain the same way. So sometimes it's worth thinking outside the box.