Sex And Housework: Apparently men will lie, beg, cheat, kill and die for sex but apparently none will cook or clean for it. | Relationships |
Apparently men will lie, beg, cheat, kill and die for sex but apparently none will cook or clean for it.
It's time to breathe some fresh air into your old routines and learn how to turn those warm embers of love into a towering inferno.
too tired for sex
Is exhaustion a good enough reason to avoid sex?
how to find your g spot
Is it time to stop trying to solve the mystery of the grass-is-always-greener G-Spot orgasm?
The Kama Sutra has gotten a that you can relate to.
What happens after the flames of desire start to flicker? How do you rekindle that spark, fan the flames and keep the embers burning?
100,000 people were surveyed to find out what's 'normal' for a married sex life–the answers may surprise you.
A UK mom caved to her man's needs, posted about it, and many readers find her revelation demeaning. | Parenting |
A UK mom caved to her man's needs, posted about it, and many readers find her revelation demeaning.