Are you struggling to help a shy or autistic child make some friends? Here's how you can help boost their EQ and end their isolation. | Parenting | 
The best play practices for the reluctant or socially struggling child.
Imagine for a moment that this was your child's birthday.
Making Mom Friends
I have friends. Quite a number of them actually, but a lot of them don’t have kids yet.
Play Date Tips for Kids with Special Needs
Child's play should be, well, child's play. But for kids with autism, playing with other children can prove a really hard business.
5 tips to get you out of your comfort zone
Suck it up, buttercup and other tips to help you survive mixing and mingling at a conference.
Do you find meeting and making new friends is like going on a first date? It's important you don't let the awkwardness stop you from making new connections.
A second grader featured on the Today show may be responsible for helping to create friendships and put an end to bullying in school yards everywhere.