Making family tree art |
This is a piece of art, history, and family fun combined to make a memory that will sit on your walls forever.
5 Creative Scribble Games to Play with Your Kids
Your kids are going to have so much fun doing these activities, they won't even realize they are creating, communicating, and helping their memory.
Kitchen Dough Art
The homemade concoction that's guaranteed to make your kids smarter.
Food stained clothing can be beautiful.
Eye spy with my little eye a mom who got creative with tie dye.
Kids' Art: Keep It, Save It, Toss It
Ways to keep your kids' artwork without becoming a candidate for the show Hoarders.
Help kids get in on the Mother's Day action—there are lots of gifts that little hands can make!
ActivityMummy Vlog: How to make a paper mailbox.
This finger paint is easier to make than it is to get in the car and drive to the craft store to buy it!  | DIY |
This finger paint is easier to make than it is to get in the car and drive to the craft store to buy it.