This one word will open up a world of experiences and memories for your kids.
Teens need to see the consequences of their drinking first-hand and not just hear from friends how "funny" they were in their drunken stupor.
Four ways that you can interact with your kids and make the most of your tech-free time.
While electronics are nice on a long car ride it’s important not to rely on them too heavily. If we do, we miss moments, we miss memories.
When your teenager spends all his spare time being a couch potato don't get angry. As they say, if you can't beat them, join them.
Lazyboy may be able to memorize entire textbooks and solve four-page chemistry questions but he's also allergic to hard work. This is his kryptonite.
The whole discussion on your teen getting a new hole.
If you are a mother, an aunt, a teacher, a friend, you possess the power to help change the minds of girls about the meaning of being beautiful.