Maybe the whole concept of a dress code is not about modesty, after all. Maybe it’s about control, and who really has it.
It may be an outdated rule, but United Airlines is within its rights to insist on a dress code because of how these girls were flying.
We never thought we'd actually beg our kids to watch cartoons.
As a parent, I don’t have all the answers. I don’t even usually know what the questions are going to be.
Between 2005 and 2014, rates of depression have jumped significantly - and 75% of cases in the study are girls.
Ways to Promote STEM Learning in Kids |
Experts agree future jobs will require skills of innovation, creative problem solving, and understanding of computer science. So how do we get there?
Lena Dunham opens up about endometriosis |
Lena Dunham won't be doing a press tour as she battles with endometriosis.
We can tell our daughters every day that they are smart, beautiful, funny, and kind, but the goal is for them to hear it and most importantly, to believe it.