You may not have time to read every label, but there are some simple things you can do to truly buy Canadian.
Big Meanie Canada
Donald Trump made some waves recently when he declared Canada a national threat to the United States.
“Donald Trump is a huge jerk!” My mother in law was incredulous. “Why does she know about that?”
United States of Dysfunction
Three days in the Belly of the Beast, or, my weekend in America.
What I'm Going to Tell My Kids When Donald Trump Becomes President
When they’re hurting, we end up hurting too, eventually.
Scott Baio and Donald Trump
In a sad way, this whole three ring circus starring Trump has been fabulous. Here's why.
What I'm Going to Tell My Kids When Donald Trump Becomes President
How do I tell my kids “sometimes, the bad guys win.”?
“It’s totally political,” said the president of the United States, speaking of an alleged sexual assault victim.