Indian detergent commerical will give you the feels |
Why does this commercial hit so close to home, and what is this lump in my throat?
Doritos Super Bowl Commercial | In the News |
This year's Super Bowl commercials included some real head scratchers.
“Dear Amazon. Please come while my husband is at work.”
What do you think of this Cheerios commercial? Is it an accurate reflection on today's dads?
Two writers go head-to-head about the new ad from Verizon and whether or not it is inspiring girls to do more math and science. Whose side are you on?
Kmart has made a viral video that will ensure you never forget they have the option to ship. Do you think it's funny or offensive?
Surely, there are those of you who feel the way I do? Let's not all be obedient little lambs being held captive in advertisement hell.