The hashtag #rapeface has been seen all over the internet and teens and tweens are finding it hysterically funny. We need to teach them that it's not.
'Blurred Lines' in Gender Bending Parody
Spill it! What do you think of this version of Blurred Lines? Does it make you view the original version in a different light?
'Weird Al' Yankovic is back and you're going to love his parody of 'Blurred Lines.' Take three minutes from your day to watch his new video.
Robin Thicke Blurred Lines
The full-frontal nudity version of the video may have been banned from YouTube but does 'Blurred Lines' really promote rape?
There's nothing blurred about R&B singer Robin Thicke’s hit single, which celebrates rape and objectifies women.
women networking
Learn why networking is more of a challenge for women and how you can utilize your relationships to help further your career.