Introducing your kid to your new partner? It's not as bad as you think. Here's how I got through the Big Intro. Part 2 of 2.
Introducing your kid to your new partner could be the best thing in the world, or as fun as a root canal. Here's how I got through the Big Intro. Part 1 of 2.
five parents one baby
Is the multi-parent family the way of the future?
Meet our newest blogger, Jackie Gillard, who is going to share her story with you because giving birth to a baby isn't the only way to create a family.
Creating a tight-knit blended family can be a difficult task, but with planning and determination, it can happen.
Kids of divorce go through a lot, and as much as we like to think that they forget it, they don't.
In many cases, the relationship between ex-spouses is not a positive one. These parents respect each other enough to put their child first.
jackie and stepson
Rule No. 1: It's not up to society, in-laws, ex-spouses, spouses, or anyone else to tell stepparents how they should conduct their step-parenting roles.