Mom Jeans

Comfortable Doesn't Have To Be Ugly

Mom jeans. The very breath of that statement sends women running for cover!

The bane of every yummy mummy’s existence has taken the forefront of style no no’s! Where did the mom jean style come from? How did they even manage to make it past the fashion censors at any clothing company worth their salt?

I know the secret and I will share it with you! Are you ready? This is a very closely guarded secret that has been locked away in the Caramilk vault for generations.

The Mom Jean movement came about because retailers believed that comfortable had to be UGLY! The notions that stay at home mom’s had no desire to be fashionable or sexy! There I said it! The secret is out! The over paid, under educated men that run the fashion industry thought that only 6’4” women who weigh 105 lbs want sexy jeans!

Not so my Yummy Mummy friends! We want SEXY jeans too! We want to feel great when we head out to the neighborhood play date. We want to walk into a room feeling great in our clothes and know that we are dressed to fit the occasion and look fabulous no matter where we go.

Yummy Mummies today are embracing fashion. A quick peek inside any “coffee play date” playground will tell you just how much we are embracing fashion in record numbers. The jeans that leave the rack first are the size 6 through 10. Not the 00 or 01 sizes. Check out any clearance rack in stores across the country and you will find dozens and dozens of pairs of 00 jeans! No big surprise there! Is there really such a size as 00? Come on! Fitting into a 00 is like not even existing!

Yummy Mummies -  the world over! Ditch those Mom Jeans and demand that manufacturers create reasonably priced, fashionable clothes for moms! Don’t settle for the baggy ill fitting jeans! Stand up and feel good in those jeans! After all, you are a MOM! You are the SEXIEST woman on the planet! Be proud of that body that has given life to an amazing little human being, and look fabulous while doing it.

Natalie Hjelsvold is a full time stay at home mom working a very busy home based business. She educates women on how to find their Inner Diva and deepen their intimacy.

Natalie has 3 delightful children, ages 9, 7 and 3. You can check out Natalie's mommy blog at or her Vixen blog at   She believes that everyone deserves to be a Yummy Mummy with or without the Chocolate Body Sauce!