Emily Chung: Mummy Mechanic


What You Need to Know Before Lending Your Car

Keep in mind the impact on your auto insurance

Ever been in a situation where you wanted to lend a car to a friend, or needed to borrow someone’s car just to run an errand? I spoke with Fraser Wilkinson, Insurance Broker with Deeks Insurance, who reminds me that we are ultimately responsible for lending the car to someone who can be trusted with the care, custody and control of the vehicle. 

If you lend your car:

 You acknowledge that you’ve given the driver permission to use your car.

 The driver must be legally licensed to drive in the province and not under suspension.

 The driver can't borrow the vehicle as part of a regular routine (otherwise they need to be named on your insurance as an occasional driver).

 Keep in mind that even if the driver has their own insurance, you are in essence lending them your insurance too.

 If the driver gets into an ‘at-fault’ accident, your insurance will be impacted.

 If the driver gets a traffic ticket, there won’t be an effect on your insurance.

You can find more information through the Insurance Bureau of Canada.