Kelly Flannigan Bos: The Relationship Rescuer


How the Blissdom Conference Will Bring Your Groove Back

The Conference you need to attend

Blissdom conference

Love, marriage, baby, the baby carriage... it was great, really great, wonderfully great, but... I got a little lost in it for awhile. Have you ever felt a little out of touch with your pre-kid self? I certainly was. I had returned to work on a part time basis as a psychotherapist and had even started writing for a website. I loved it. But that was pretty much it for my social media foray. I wasn't in demand, didn't have a large network, was not in any loops, and not creating much of an online presence. Then, the website I wrote for decided to take some time out due to other exciting opportunities for the owner so if I wanted to keep going, which I did, something new had to be initiated.

My friend, who is now also my Yummy Mummy colleague today - Andrea Nair - told me about Blissdom. Everything I read about the conference was so positive, the preconference online forum was so engaging, my calender was algining with another appointment in the area, and then I ended up having the most global, random connection to one of the former Blissdom Principals on FB. It was all adding up to attend; I bought my ticket.

Blissdom is amazing for so many reasons and will be for you too. You will love the people: welcoming, encouraging, and helpful. The events are so well executed and fun, the speakers informative and inspiring, the networking incredible, great shwag, and the food... amazing! 


But the biggest success for me and hopefully what you will also find is that Blissdom will help get your groove back. When you attend you find yourself pitching you again, networking your interests, attending sessions to help you and your business. The "you" that you might feel you have lost in a sea of parenting responsibilities, work demands, and the general “busyness” of life. And hey, you had and still have a little something something going on. For me, it was awesome to remember that again and go for it.

What did going for it do? Well I am happy to say that through Blissdom, putting it out there, and my contacts, I have been writing for the Yummy Mummy Club ever since as the in-house relationship expert. This has lead to many other opportunities within YMC and outside of it in magazines, other websites, and TV. I was even a guest on a Blissdom panel last year, my second Blissdom in!

And the momentum has continued, I have put up a website, I have a good and growing following on Facebook as well as other media outlets and with all this groove and confidence going on, I applied, got accepted, and gave a TED talk in June of this year.

I know I am not alone in finding Blissdom to be an excellent place to grow and find opportunities. Blissdom is incredible at showing the how to's, introducing you to the experts, and encourages everyone to go for it and get their groove back too.  

BlissDom Canada
Blissdom is happy to offer YMC readers a 20% discount on conference passes!
Sign up for your Blissdom pass here -we hope to see you there!