Nicole MacPherson: Meatless Mummy Con Carne


The Very Best Vegan Tofu Scramble


tofu scramble with waffles

Life can be full of surprises. Sometimes you can think you know someone, and then something happens that makes you question everything.

I’m talking, of course, about tofu.

Tofu, in its raw form, is less than appealing, especially to devoted meat-lovers, but its very blandness is its greatest attribute. Tofu is a perfect blank canvas for a wide variety of flavours and seasonings and adds a lovely protein-rich creaminess to any dish. This tofu scramble is a tasty alternative to scrambled eggs; it’s a deliciously savoury and simple addition to any breakfast or brunch. But more importantly, in my house, it passed the carnivore test.

I was creating this dish one day, adding sundried tomatoes and flavourings until it was just so. I offered up a taste to my husband, with low expectations as to his reaction. It's tofu, after all, and he was busily cooking a pound of bacon. To my surprise and shock, he devoured it with enthusiasm and asked for more. Who ARE you? I wanted to ask, but instead, I silently served up another helping.


1/2 cup white mushrooms, sliced
2 teaspoons oil from sundried tomatoes
1 12.3 ounce package firm silken tofu, crumbled
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon onion powder or dehydrated onion
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast
1/2 cup sundried tomatoes in oil, drained and chopped (oil reserved for use)
1/2 cup spinach, chopped


  Using 2 teaspoons of oil from the sundried tomatoes, sauté mushrooms over medium heat until browned and soft, about 10 minutes.

  Add the crumbled tofu, garlic powder, onion powder, and nutritional yeast to the pan. Stir to mix, and sauté over medium heat until most of the moisture is gone and tofu has a “scrambled egg” consistency, about 10 minutes.

  Add the sundried tomatoes and spinach to the mixture. Stir and cook until spinach is wilted, about two minutes.

  Serve immediately and enjoy!

Yield: 2 large or 4 small servings

Nutritional Information (approximate, per serving based on 2 large servings): Calories 240, Fat 11 grams, Total Carbohydrates 23 grams, Fibre 6 grams, Protein 21 grams

Want more delicious vegan breakfast ideas? Try my protein-rich Breakfast Quinoa, my Maple Coconut Granola, or my Easy Tropical Green Smoothie.