Lisa Thornbury: Party Mummy


Are You Awesome Or Awful?

Do This Exercise And Find Out

I may be allergic to hay, but I don't let that prevent me from mounting my high horse every chance I get. "Did you see that fight break out on Twitter last night? People need to get a life!" I'll say to a friend in a disgusted tone. Or, "Why would she leave such a nasty blog comment? Doesn't she have anything better to do?" I'll ask while rolling my eyes so dramatically that it leaves me feeling dizzy.

I try to stay clear of people who judge first, then ask questions later. And this makes me awesome. I'm open-minded and gracious. I'm gentle and I hold my tongue. I'm basically an agnostic Mother Theresa. I'm so much better than all that negative online nonsense and cattiness. 

But am I?

I may not fan the flames of online negativity, but it seems I do my fair share of judging from a distance, and I'm wondering—is this normal? As in, is this an innate component of human nature? Or am I just finding out now that I'm actually a straight-up bitch? 

So, I've developed this highly scientific exercise to determine if you're awesome or awful.

Simply choose a group of peers who are currently involved in your life (neighbours, colleagues, book club members, etc.). Go down the list in your head and think about each person carefully. Is there anything that comes to mind for each one that's in any way judgmental on your part?

For example, here's my list (for the sake of not getting beaten at our next gathering, I'm not naming the source of this group, and I've changed names to protect the innocent—me!).

Katerude and aloof

Amandatotally crazy and, frankly, a pretty awful parent


Suzannefull of herself

Kerryslob with hoarding tendencies




Lisaa bit of a judgy jerk who needs to check herself . . . yikes.

Final thought: I'm a reasonably nice person, so if I'm judging, what are other people doing and more importantly, what are they thinking/saying about ME? Eep. 

Hey, have you read this? The Almighty Twitter: Saints and Sinners of Social Media

Header Image Photo credit: Pink Sherbet Photography via photopin cc 

Bridal Image Photo credit: Sean Molin Photography via photopin cc