Barbie_You Can Be Anything
Not only will Judy share her work and behind-the-scenes learnings here at in her very own column, countless girls and women will follow along!
I assumed a mid-life crisis might involve some Botox and girls trips spent ogling much younger men. But, my mid-life crisis doesn’t look like that at all.
If you're in the "follow your passion" group, you may want to rethink what you are telling your kids.
"It was time for me to ask for help. It’s simple, but I know that I’m not the only one who just grits her teeth and pushes through."
It’s daunting, changing gears well into adult life.
I am not in the market for expensive products. I am interested in your life, not in your latest special.
Why did no one tell me life goes on without me at work while I’m home momming?