Why Mummy Needs Her Own Office

The Benefits of Separating Work Life and Home Life

There comes a time in the growth of a business when you've got to move out of the house and into an office: a real office with posted hours and a separate phone bill. An office in the business part of town where people can see you and you have to get dressed and leave the house to get to it.

You start to realize it's time when one of your clients drops by late on a Friday afternoon while you are tank-topped (no bra), short-shorted, butt in the air, up to your elbows digging in the garden.

Then you're walking a client to their car and you look up and see your undies on the line. (now I know why they used to get up extra early to do the delicates) and while pointing to the neighbour's garden you think "Wouldn't it be great to be able to meet clients only when you're ready for them?"

Finally you realize that your sweet little baby girl is growing very fast and if you can't separate your work from your personal life, you're going to miss the best parts of life.

I love my office. I have the best office in Kentville - 15 foot ceilings, 10 foot windows, bright and big. I love how it makes my clients feel more at home than when they felt they were intruding at my home. I love how I can walk there and even do some days.

When I'm in my office, I work. I focus and I get more done. No more stopping to throw in a load of laundry (I'll just go through son# 2's drawers to see if I can find that shirt he wore 3 times last week and while I'm here I'll straighten up his books...)

When I leave my office, it's over for the day. I can't work at home anymore, because everything I need is at the office, on purpose. No more client calls in the middle of Lost ("I'm sorry all your info is at the office. I can call you back tomorrow. Bye. Click.")

When I'm at home I can be with my kids, and oddly enough, the house is cleaner. When I'm at the office, I have the true luxury of working on business only. Aaah.

So what if the laundry is piling up.

Frances Schagen owns Crystal Clear Bookkeeping Ltd, now located in the best office in Kentville. She can help you figure out when you can make the move. You can reach her at the office: 902 678-1607 or anywhere/anytime at [email protected].

Making your bookkeeping and business clear to you at www.cleartoyou.com.