Top 5 Apps For Amazing Holiday Photos

Your Phone is More Talented Than You Thought

If you have a smartphone, chances are you have taken anywhere between 1 and 2,000 photos with it. Maybe more. Forget using the basic camera app your phone came with and check out these apps (plus an amazing website) that will make you wonder if you'll ever use a traditional camera again.

Pump it up this holiday season and channel your inner artistic self to make some truly fun and gorgeous photos that will make precious memories for your family even more meaningful.

Soccer Mom, Golf Widow & Laundry Ninja in search of a quieter potato chipWhen my kids were small, my favourite phrase of theirs was "I love you Mummy" but now that they're teens it's "How did you find that out?"  My personal motto is "Be The Person Your Dog Thinks You Are" and that's mostly because my dog thinks I'm obviously the Smart Human who knows where the kibble is kept.

You can find me on Twitter at @Laundry_Ninja