
Better Loot Bags

Loot bags are part of the child birthday experience.

However, no one needs any more dollar store trinkets around their house. And sometimes it's nice to have a candy-free option. Think outside the traditional loot bag for some great take-home goodies:

A gift certificate for a kiddie cone at a local ice cream shop 

Homemade play dough in a reusable container

Cookies wrapped in cellophane bags and wrapped with a ribbon

Markers and a notepad

Comic books

Bag tag


Drinking cup




Stadium cup

Story book


Caroline Fernandez shares family friendly activities and tips on her site Parent Club. She is the author of Boredom Busters (Silver Birch Honor Book Award) and More Boredom Busters available in bookstores everywhere. Read her at www.parentclub.ca and follow her on twitter @ParentClub

(Confession: I tweet during field trips... doesn't everyone?)