Do This for Your Best Photo Albums Ever

The Trick Is In The Planning

Parents often tell me "I have hundreds (or thousands!) of digital images on my camera/computer and I have no idea what to do with them!"

It's time to start thinking about what you’re going to do with your photos before you even take them?

3 Rules To Get Your Best Family Photos Every Year

These four easy steps for taking album-ready photos will help you preserve your precious pictures and the stories that go with them:

 Take a title photo

You may think you'll remember the name of each theme park, ride, mall, museum or restaurant, but the truth is that after only a short time those details slip away. Capturing a photo of the entrance not only makes it easier to remember and tell your family stories, but title shots can also add great detail and dimension to your photo album page.

 Get up close

Photographers know that a great close-up photo can show expression and personality and practically leap off an album page. But the rest of us often make the mistake of always standing too far away from our subjects. Use a variety of angles and distances, making sure to include at least one close-up in the mix, and you’ll end up with a beautiful page layout.

 Stay behind the scene

Sometimes the best photos don’t show anybody’s faces. A photo of your children running away from you but towards something exciting tells a story in itself! Even if they’re quietly playing or walking along a path, taking a shot from behind can capture children (and grown-ups) in an unselfconscious, natural way.

 Capture the action

Get to know the continuous shooting (or burst) setting on your camera. That’s when you keep the shutter pressed and your camera takes several shots in a row, ensuring you will capture that moment when your child scores the goal, hits the water or keeps steady on a bicycle for the first time. And a series of photos that shows the whole sequence makes for a fun and easy photo album page.

Think Twice Before Taking Your Kids' Photos To Wal-Mart

We take photos so that we’ll remember the special moments in our children’s lives. These simple steps can make it easier for you to get those photos out of your digital camera and into an album where they can be enjoyed and cherished for years to come.

As a Creative Memories consultant, Ruth Brickman provides people with choices and solutions for their piles of photos and hard drives full of digital images. You can choose to slip your photos into a super-easy PicFolio pocket album, create a traditional scrapbook album or click your way to a digital Storybook. Ruth will support you with the time, space and ideas you need to make it happen, or she'll even make your album for you! It really is about telling YOUR lifes stories in YOUR way.

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