When it comes to playrooms, kids make the rules, and when you need some time to just chill out with the pipsqueaks and forget all your worries, a great playroom will lend itself to relaxing and have a great time.
So, before you opt to get nothing more than a table and some crayons, might I suggest that you delve deep into the mind of a child to determine what every great playroom needs?
Bright paint
“When I went to Sarah’s house to play for the first time, I was so happy, because her mom painted her playroom a bright orange and drew rainbows and bears all over the walls. I never wanted to leave!” That’s what six-year-old Drew told me when I asked her about the nicest playroom she has ever seen.
If you want to make sure that your kids don’t mind hanging out at home on rainy days or when you just need a moment to collect your thoughts, make sure that you address the walls and paint them a bright, happy colour, rather than leaving them white or beige.
Stickers / Decals
“My friend George has a wall with Star Wars stuff all over it, and whenever I go over there, we pretend that we are right there in the movie.” Terence, all of eleven-years-old, knows what makes a great playroom.
Wall decals can easily double as a storyline for a child’s imagination and take them to places that would impress even the most creative of us. From the more subdued trees with falling leaves to chalkboards, you can let your imagination run wild with the things you can do to the walls.
Storage spaces
The makings of any great playroom begin with awesome storage spaces that make putting things away fun. Of course, I couldn’t get any kids to say anything nice about storage space, but I am still working on it, so watch this space for more.
The catch, when it comes to storage space for a playroom, is that it needs to be organized in a way that lets children know where everything belongs when it comes time to put everything away.
Quiet area
“I have a ‘quiet tent’ in my playroom, and me and my friends go there when we want to read a book or have a tea party or talk about boys.” At the ripe age of nine, even Stella knows that everyone needs a serene space in the home where they can chill out and enjoy the silence.
Kids are big fans of forts and areas that are blocked off and give them some privacy, so invest in a tent or hang some blankets off a clothes line to give them that air of seclusion.
Read more great playroom tips on my blog.