What Is Binge Drinking?

Chasing Happiness In A Bottle

What Is Binge Drinking?

Wikipedia Definition: Binge drinking is the modern epithet for drinking alcoholic beverages with the primary intention of becoming intoxicated by heavy consumption of alcohol over a short period of time.

In our 20′s there’s a group of us ladies out there who found it acceptable to partake in this event on average 2 times a week, let’s call them The Clueless Binge Drinking Brigade. It was common for this select group of society to pre-plan the festivities. Pre-planning began with the invitation list, basically a shout out to anyone and everyone in the address book to see who was available, where we would go for the pre-party, where the party would be, what mode of transportation we’d use and where the after party would be.

Then was the booze buying: What’s on sale? Can each member of TCBDB successfully get a buzz without puking up said Sale item? Number of people who can?

Split the price of sale item and purchase.

At this point these Clueless ladies would gather at the pre-party destination with large bags. Inside these bags ‘o life were the tools to transform sweet things into their Party Girl selves. Makeup application, hair styling, clothing donned, the use of too much fragrance and hair products are applied.

It is common for there to be serious effort performed during this stage….one of the more important decisions must be made! Flats or heels? The choice of footwear often coincides with the amount of money the Party Girls have available, the mode of transportation and the distance between the evening’s locations. Staggering home in heels because you don’t have cab fare and couldn’t catch a ride sucks.

With choices made the evening really begins.  The nature of the beast here is to GO HARD or GO HOME. To normal folks what this translates into is doing as many shots of horrible tasting Sale Alcohol as possible in a short period of time to achieve the biggest buzz possible. When the buzz is achieved this group of lively, LOUD, overly friendly debs head out to a choice establishment. Dancing, laughter and as much drinking as they can afford ensues. Many men will be flirted with, either because the TCBDB in question is digging him, feels awesome dancing with him, hates his girlfriend or her money is getting low and she’s hoping he’ll buy her a drink.

Within the group there are many different personality types. Learn about them on page 2.

Generally speaking you can almost bet one of the group will show her inability to hold her booze, we will call her Can’t-Handle-It-Girl. This could show in one or all of the following ways: falling down and not getting up, passing out at the table, dropping drinks, puking in the bathroom…there are more but you get the drift.

  Can’t-Handle-It-Girl is usually sent home in a cab with her best friend after her friends try unsuccessfully to hide her in a corner or a booth from the doorman.

  Promiscuous-Girl is the girl who is just plain on the prowl. There is more than one type of PG but generally she’s obvious, and exits the building on the arm of her prey with a sly knowing nod to her best friend at some point.

  I-Am-With-The-Band-Girl is self explanatory really, often getting on the stage to gyrate in what she thinks is a sexy manner, also often falling of the stage, loudly informing the bouncer directing her away from the stage of who she is, literally saying “Do you know who I am??”

  Fun-Loud-Girl is a riot, especially to those who aren’t part of the group. She’s the one who manages to yells at a volume above the noise of the band playing, dances like a mad woman, often experiencing a wardrobe malfunction akin to the Janet Jackson incident, having a wicked good time. She’s usually pacing herself, drinking water between cocktails. She’s fun.

  Suddenly-Angry-Drunk-Girl is frightening, common characteristics include a sudden glaze over of the eyes, change in tone of voice, glares being shot at others in the surrounding vicinity. Warning: DO NOT TELL Suddenly-Angry-Drunk-Girl that she is drunk and out of line. Seriously. If you see the knuckles on the hand holding her drink begin to whiten or the swing action begin…..duck.

I was all of these girls. It was fun for a while but during this time I allowed the lines of my morality and decision making to be greyed. It worsened over time in different ways. What had once not been normal or acceptable was. Was it my genetic makeup which allowed my recreational use of alcohol became addiction over time? Probably didn’t help. Why did I do it? I suppose I was always chasing happiness and alcohol provided it -- albeit artificial.

I’m glad that God didn’t give up on me, that my 12 Step Program and the people in it were there when I finally got humble. I don’t chase happiness anymore, I found it. Authentic truly fulfilling happiness came with tears, discomfort, humiliation, apologies, determination, prayers, cries for help and much more. But it’s SO worth it.

With 15 years invested in a high-paced corporate career, Julie didn't expect life to change quite as much as it did when she decided to face her alcoholism and learn to experience her journey fully.

Julie is a mom to two wonderful little ladies, wife to an amazing man, a Christian woman who faces life head on and manages to keep her faith and sense of humour. This was truly put to the test in Feb/2010 when she was involved in a car accident from which she is still recovering.

Sober Julie Doing Life is a blog filled with real life struggles and situations. Julie writes from the heart in a fresh, direct way. Julie often writes about the challenges of dealing with a brain injury, PTSD and physical injuries, her 12 Step Program, her speaking engagements, her love of beauty products and life in general with her two daughters, husband and dog. The results are often sarcastic and amusing but always thought provoking.