Volunteering Can Change Your Life

Find A Cause That You Care About

We're all busy juggling, so we don't need another “should,” right?

So guess what? I've discovered that getting involved with a cause is fun. Really fun. For me, finding a cause has allowed me to reinvent myself, to meet people I would never have met, to grow into a bigger version of myself. It's been really cool-- and transformative. 

Motherhood was- and remains- my motivation. 

When I discovered that our addiction to oil poses a threat to the health and well-being of my two rambunctious young boys, I decided I needed to use my professional expertise in addictions to tackle this problem. I joined the growing movement of what I call “unlikely environmentalists.” 

Sick planet, sick kids-- or healthy planet, healthy kids?

I learned, for instance, that things like our auto emissions are causing us to  experience longer cold flu seasons, and more asthma and allergies-- have you noticed?  And this spring we have higher pollen rates than ever before. Pollen, allergies-- suffering for us and for our kids!

From Casual Recycler to Committed EcoMom

Previously, I'd never been involved in a cause, and I was only a casual recycler. Several years ago, my mother said, “Sarah, you should recycle more.” To which I replied in annoyed tone, “Mom, I'm busy.” And I was busy as a mother of two kids in diapers, going through a divorce, working. Really busy. 

I learned that the methane gas from landfills-- you know those blue jets?-- is over twenty times worse than what our cars spew. So I started to recycle everything-- down to the tags on tea bags!

Now, because I've learned how important it is to the quality of our the  kids' future,  I'm not just an obsessive recycler-- a little over the top, I'll admit!  I also shop my values, I vote my values. I live more mindfully. I'm raising my kids to love and respect Mother Nature. I'm speaking out. I'm living into my values. 

Living in alignment with our values feels better.

I've Reinvented Myself-- You Can Too!

I haven't just changed my lifestyle. I've also written a book (which I never thought I'd do) about my adventures, about what I've learned. and the personal rewards I've reaped.  I've been figuring out how to use what I know--  my psychological expertise in addictions and behaviour change-- and using myself in a totally new way. By helping people use their spheres of influence to, however big or small, to ensure that we leave our children a planet on which they can thrive, I've expanded my spheres of influence, and have grown personally. 

If I can, you can too!

Meet a Cool Mama Who's Using Her Voice

One of my favourite yummy mamas is Karen Leigh Cook whom I met at an eco conference when we had simultaneous caffeine cravings. Karen is a sassy, feisty woman who's been using her experience in real estate to help ensure that we have policies that make our buildings as green as possible. When I interviewed her about her career, for my next book, she started by saying, “First of all, I'm having fun!” 

Karen tells a great story about wanting to get a bill passed that was languishing, so she put on her red dress, and went to meet with the elected official who was sitting on the legislation. Guess what, the bill moved off his desk. Why is she working on policy-- red dress and all? Because she says we need to clear away the policy obstacles to a healthy planet for the sake of our children. 

What Can a Cause Do for You?

Being involved in a cause pulls us out of ourselves and worries and concerns. We're hardwired to want a life of purpose and meaning. This is why books like A Purpose Driven Life are popular, right? So making time-- and we're all busy-- isn't so challenging because it's so worth it on so many levels. I'm on a mission, so I'm just living my mission. 

And because I've made new friends, my cause has become a wonderful part of my social life. It's a two-fer.

Find Your Mission!

The cause that grabbed me is protecting the natural world for our kids. And I do hope you'll join me in going green and getting happy. But you may find another problem that needs your talents and passions. That will be your road, your contribution. No matter what the cause, you will be enriched. I hope you'll join me in living a mission-filled life!

Dr. Sarah Warren (aka Dr. Sarah) is a clinical and consulting psychologist who offers “cause” and career coaching.  She uses her expertise in behavior change to serve as an ambassador for green. Drawing on her work in the addictions field - that includes our addiction to oil - her mission is to educate and inspire individuals and organizations to use their spheres of influence to protect the planet for our children. 

As the mother of two young boys, Dr. Sarah knows that mothers' love can make history. Just as mothers' determination to protect their children spurred MADD's successful campaign against drunk driving, parents can create a tipping point to prevent environmental disaster. 

If you'd like to learn more about her story of personal transformation, what she's done to “go green and get happy,” and  how you can make a difference by protecting the planet for your children, download chapters of Fierce Love: How One Mother Reinvented Herself by Saving the Planet. She would love your comments!

Join her May virtual roundtable and podcast features CoolMom.org co-founder Kirsten McCaa on May 5th.  Get the time & call-in number and pose your question.

Visit Dr. Sarah's website or connect with her on Twitter or Facebook.