Simple Ways to Keep Your Heart Healthy

Great Heart Health Tips

While mentions of heart disease may conjure up images of geriatric men chewing aspirin, it’s actually the number one cause of death among Canadian women.


What is the most important thing you can do to improve your overall general health?

Healthy eating is one of the most important things you can do to improve your overall general health.


What is the healthiest way to fill a plate?

Fill half your plate with vegetables, a quarter with whole grains and a quarter with lean meat or alternatives. 


What is the healthiest way to cook meat or poultry?

Instead of pan-frying or deep-frying your beef or poultry, try baking, broiling, grilling or roasting on a rack, so fat can drip away.


What is the healthiest way to sauté vegetables?

To sauté vegetables in a pan, use a nonstick pan or a small amount of heart-healthy olive, soybean or canola oil or low-sodium broth.

How can you keep my dessert light?

Keep dessert light by choosing fresh fruit with low-fat sherbet or frozen yogurt.

How can you control salt intake?

To control your salt intake, avoid foods that are pickled, smoked, or are served with soy sauce as this means that they are higher in sodium.


How can you preserve nutrients in your cooked vegetables?

When cooking fresh vegetables, steam, roast or grill them to preserve as many nutrients as possible.


How can you up your fibre intake from vegetables and fruits?

By eating fresh unpeeled vegetables and fruits, you may up your fibre intake by almost 10 times (compared to drinking fruit juice for example).


How can you up your morning fruit intake?
Top off your breakfast cereal with sliced bananas or fresh berries to up your morning fruit intake.

How can you up your daytime fruit intake?

Keep a sealed bag of pre-cut vegetables with you for easy snacking anytime.


How can you satisfy your urges for afternoon munchies?

Keep on you a handful of unsalted nuts with dried apricots or cranberries to satisfy your afternoon munchies.


How often do you need to be active and for how long in order to lower your risk of heart disease?
Being active 30 to 60 minutes a day, 4 to 5 days a week, can dramatically lower your risk of heart disease and stroke.


How soon after starting regular physical activity can you start to feel more energetic?

Within the first week of regular physical activity, you could start to feel more energetic and relaxed.


What are 8 easy ways to increase your everyday physical activity?

1- Increase your physical activity by getting off the bus or subway a stop earlier and walk.

2- Make a decision to bicycle or walk to work once a week.

3- Instead of running your errands by car, walk to the corner store, bank or post office.

4- Make physical activity a family affair. Start your weeks by walking the kids to school.

5- If you must take your car, park it in the furthest spot away from your office or the shopping mall entrance.

6- Instead of sitting in your car at the car wash, wash the car by hand.

7- Get more activity in your life. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.

8- Instead of sitting for a meeting with someone — take a walk while you talk!

How can you plan a realistic list of weekly activities?

A15: List the weekly activities you enjoy and can realistically do, then start doing them one day at a time.

How can you get over winter blues and stay active?

A16: Don’t let the winter interfere with your physical activity. Swim at indoor community pools or go for a walk at the mall.

How can you make physical activity easier to maintain on a regular basis?

A 17: It’s always easier to be physically active on a regular basis if you find yourself a workout buddy. 

How can you boost your fitness level during a workout?

A18: Be Active: Try adding intervals to your workout. Walk for five minutes and then jog for one minute. It will boost your fitness level.

What supervised routine can increase your physical strength and tone your body?

Starting a weight lifting routine with proper supervision can help you feel stronger and tone your body.

What’s the best way to achieve a healthy weight?

Combining a regular physical activity routine with healthy eating can go a long way to helping you achieve a healthy weight.

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