Why Exercise is Like Therapy

Exercise Should be a Part of Your Wellness Plan

Even though it’s in my job description to keep fit and exercise daily, (or at least “often”), I don’t always get the chance to get in a workout, take a yoga class, or go for a run when things become a little more stressful on the homefront...you know what I mean.

With 3 small kids hanging off of me, challenging my every second breath, and a fitness business to run, my life is all about managing stress, and choosing between Me-time, and Mummy-time. Somehow, there is never any shortage of Mummy-time. However, that Me-time seems to slide off my list before I even have a chance to blink.

But when I do have it all in control (a-hem, it does happen), and am seemingly attaining the un-attainable ‘balancing act’ of motherhood, my choice for ME usually consists of exercise, girlfriends...therapy, or all of the above combined. To me exercise is therapy...(don’t tell my girlfriends, or they’ll start charging me for treadmill time). There is nothing like a good power walk, in the fresh air, with some girls gabbing, to cure even the worst sleep deprivation, or latest husband take-a-thon.

There are more statistically and scientifically proven reasons that exercise is like therapy, than just the obvious“ it’s fun to go to a spin class with a friend”, though don’t knock it till you try it! Its mood enhancing qualities are enough to change your spirits from hopeless to empowered...and beyond.

Here are a couple of reasons you can add exercise to your list of “excusable wellness necessities”, along with your masseuse, your chiropractor, your eye doc, your dentist, your aesthetician and your...therapist, without needing a doctor’s note.

Exercise increases endorphins. Endorphins are happy hormones, that can actually improve your mood immediately. It’s been proven to cure depression (including postpartum depression), anxiety, and stress related disorders like IBS, and ulcers.

Exercise will help you lose weight and tone your muscles, increasing your strength and endurance for... those kids hanging off of you, demanding more Mummy-time. Also increasing your self-esteem and feeling of empowerment and self-assuredness.

Exercise increases brain function, enabling you to focus longer, especially on those extra-long treadmill therapy sessions...

Exercise increases your cravings for healthy food and water. So that you are fuelling yourself with high-grade fuel for optimal performance....for said treadmill therapy sessions.

Exercise has been proven to lower blood pressure, decrease risk of heart disease (which is higher in women than men, by the way) and increase bone-density, which decreases after each child you have. (Just a few more scientific reasons to do it)

Finally, exercise is therapy because you can do it with a group and have some fun with it, or on your own, in a more meditative state (see “Meditating Mummy” for active meditation techniques), both increasing your quality of life.

Hmmmm, I am feeling irritable and stressed out from the game of couch hopping and fort making my kids are having with their playdate. I have a bunch of deadlines to get to and I haven't worked out all weekend with this weather being so crappy.

So, who needs some therapy? I do, I do!!

Julie Watson is the owner of AfterGlow Health & Fitness in Toronto, for prenatal, postnatal and beyond. Julie strives everyday to stay fit, keep healthy, and achieve balance, despite what her 3 kids have in store for her. On the odd day, she is actually able to achieve it!