Melt your Mummy Tummy

How to Shed the Baby Weight and Regain Your Body

how to lose your mommy tummy

Just because you've had a baby doesn't mean you're destined to have a muffin top belly for life. Here's how to reclaim your flat tummy and look better than ever.

They say every body is unique, but after a woman has her first baby no tummy is immune to holding onto a little extra weight. Add that women are having babies later in life and it makes it even harder to shed those extra pounds. Our metabolism peaks between age 25 and 28. After that| we need to work hard to build muscle or our bodies will have a harder time losing fat.

The good news is our bodies are incredibly resilient. In the early months after baby, breastfeeding can help you burn an extra 500 calories a day and melt away extra pounds. But some women find themselves with a muffin top years after having a baby. Here's how to flatten your tummy at any stage after baby:

1. Become a strong woman: Spot reduction doesn't work so it's not enough to do sit-ups every day - you need to strength train your entire body. Muscle mass boosts your metabolism| forcing your body to burn more calories even at rest. Do a total-body strength program two or three times a week.

2. Strengthen up on the job: No time for the gym? Set aside one-minute a day to do squats as a computer break; then another minute to do inclined pushups against the kitchen counter while you're making dinner. Your kids will think its hilarious and you'll be surprised how quickly you see results!

3. Make your life more active: You don't need to walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes in a row to get the benefits of cardiovascular exercise. Finding little ways to move more during the day will boast the same weight-loss success. Park your car five minutes away and walk to work or the mall. Garden. Play with your kids at the park. Take the stairs.

4. Fill up with fiber: Studies have found that a high-fiber diet will decrease body fat independent of other dietary changes. Aim for 25 to 35 grams per day through vegetables| multi-grain breads and cereals.

5. Drink up: Carry a bottle of water and aim to drink two liters throughout the day. Not only will it fill you up to prevent snacking when youre not really hungry but proper hydration reduces bloating.

Nancy Ripton is a professional journalist and the co-founder of, a go-to guide for new moms and moms-to-be. The site offers a unique combination of 30-second quick facts (for moms on-the-go) and in-depth, professionally written articles. It also boasts a Q&A with an extensive expert panel and a baby route map system to help you find the most child-friendly spots in your hood.